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Dont use a vanity address

Dont use a vanity address

18 months ago, I loaded a very small amount to a polymerbit note for cold storage and thought I was being "funny" by generating a vanity address.

Cant remember exactly how I generated it, possibly bitcoinvanitygen.com which is now offline. Possible exit scam? I would have generated the address offline on tails using the source code.

Noticed today that it was swiped a while ago along with 120 other addresses (all vanity) https://www.smartbit.com.au/tx/e44790f73b9f3a20256885f8c847d1202d2f5bdf7196defdaa8631fcdfa986b7

Over 0.5 BTC was stolen in total.

Dont mess with them, even if you are using source code offline on a clean OS. There goes my $20. lol.

submitted by /u/time_wasted504

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